We all are made of atoms that constantly move following specif vibrations.

Hence, we are vibrations. 

Consequently, our emotions, thoughts, and ideas move inside us and around us complying certain frequencies. 

When we do not feel well, or unsettled and troubled, it means our vibrations are no longer moving in harmony: in these situations it is very important to restore the original balance.

How symbols, shapes and colours can be useful for distance energy healing

Maybe we are not completely aware of it, but symbols, shapes and colours may help us to re-establish ourselves and support the distance energy healing. 

In this section there are some examples of paintings combining symbols, shapes, and colours.

Their blending and fusing can radiate and diffuse harmonic frequencies in the surrounding environment. 

They are indeed an extremely powerful source of positive frequencies. 

Similarly, terracotta artefacts, like jewellery, can be worn and carried with us at all times, or kept on the desk, on the bedside table next to the bed, at home or in the office. 

In addition, all paintings, tablets, jewellery, artefacts, are customisable on request. 

How to get more details

Kindly complete the contact form for more information on the availability of the works here illustrated, execution time for new creations, costs and shipping details.